Bagpak 2100-SS-RL (Scale Controlled – Rota Load) Bulk Bag Filler

BagPak 2100-SS-RL Bulk Bag Filler is constructed of a heavy-duty structural steel frame, a stainless steel dual-pipe fill spout, and integrated load cells. The rotating carousel loop attachment system offers efficient and ergonomic big bag hanging and bulk bag filling. Integrated load cells and scale controller allow bulk bag filling of Super Sack® Bulk Bags, Big Bags, FIBC Bags and other heavy-duty bags in bulk and dribble mode utilizing a valve or conveyor to achieve desired weight.

A compressed air expanded bladder seals the bag spout to the machine, and is automatically released at target weight. The Rota Load Scale Controlled Bulk Bag Filler system allows the operator to easily and ergonomically hang a bulk bag onto a 359 degree rotating carriage and loop latches. Once filled to target weight, the lift loops will release and bag can be removed. Connecting the filling head dust port to factory dust collection, an optional cartridge filter, or filter sock, allows the entire bulk fill cycle to become a dust free operation.

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